

a second longer乁| ・ 〰 ・ |ㄏ
The wind sees frozen with
the lack of sound
The echo of your voice, no more
now nowhere to be found

The light that flickered brazenly
has finally lost its will to blink
The darkness has swallowed
you whole in a bite
Your world shifting at its brim

And there is no one here
but you,
weighing alone
The flowers don't smell now
and you think they'll never bloom

The rays of the sun has trodden back
And oh the night
has ensnared the moon
It covets and covets
in ominous black
promising to never shine over you

And fear and sorrow consumes you
Your selfworth at its brink
Will your efforts find you right
this time
or will you to lose them again

You're afraid of what may come next
The path
too weary to be tried
The what ifs poke inside like a thorn
pricking the edges of your mind

So you find it better to let go
The world is not a place to dream
Hope and wishes, a mediocre sight
Withered petals off to stream

The path you see now
seems crumbled,
the question never was of when...
The reality felt much harsher now
than what words could ever tell

And that carcass, that image
you see
of yourself gulping itself to drown...
Feels tainted with visions of love
you had, in yourself, never found

It makes you ache, right in your heart
Making you want to let go
Disappointed in the world, in despair
but in yourself more ever so

Yet like darkness follows suit
To lightness
that never comes
Light too aches for the cloak of night,
like they were always one

And so they ask
will it ever be bright again
you don't know, of course
But a part of you still lingers
as you dare to hope

sometimes within those
grimmer days
when you'd fought to move on
you'd believed that a day shall come
when things won't feel so wrong

That the flowers in your
garden will too smell,
if not bloom
in hues bolder that they were

And the silence that scared you
would still scare you
but not more than they did before

a call for love, it was
was it?
it is, for yourself to be your

And as you'd wait, alas
in Moments alike
the momentary fall

© Mehr

I wrote this a very long time ago and found it somewhere scribbled into a diary I hadn't opened in ages.

Thought I'd share. Happy reading.

p.s can't think of a title. might amend later. any recommendations?