

Without you
Without you I am lost, without direction or destiny,
Lost in a sea of sadness and loneliness,
walking aimlessly, without finding your coat,
the emptiness in my chest, my soul destroyed.

I remember your words, your kisses and caresses,
the light that illuminated my gray and cold days,
Now only shadows and melancholy remain,
The absence of your love fills me with emptiness.

I try to forget you, erase your memory,
but my heart refuses to forget,
I close my eyes and see you, so close and so far,
The love I felt for you will never die.

Why did you go and leave me alone?
Didn't it mean anything to you?
I ask myself again and again, without finding an answer,
Sadness consumes me, without you I am lost.

I love you even in the distance, in absence and pain,
my heart is late for you, for our sincere love,
although you are no longer here, in my mind and in my soul,
You will always be present, my true beloved.

dragonfly 🦋
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