

A shattered mirror that what my heart has become
Sweet words like whispers,turned into a string
Trust a fragile thing, with a broken wing
They built me a castle, then watched it all fall
Bricks of affection, a crumbling wall
A hallow echo, where vulnerability used to sleep
Openness feels foolish, a naive display
Every kind gesture meet with suspicion's gray
A smile is a mask, a defense I know wear
For fear of the heartbreak, a burden I can't bear
Is there solace in solitude, a comfort in the cold
Is this the price I pay, for a story left untold
Maybe some day, the sun will melt the ice
But for now ,behind these walls,
I create a fragile truce
For trust, Once broken mends with a jagged seam
Leaving a scar that reminds me
Of the trust you broke
Thinking I'd let it slide
But you'd break it again
Cause I'm nothing but a mere human
Now walking alone, on this part I now tread,
Hoping times gentle hand, will heal what has bled
But thinking,would the sun ever rise on a heart made whole ?
will shattered pieces mend, reclaiming their souls?
cause each smile a question, each touch a test,
Can trust be reborn, put to the test
The heart, a raw nerve, exposed and bare, yearns for connection

Patient running out of time
It hurts to see you ignore me
For someone else
Thought we are inseparable pals
But the distance started growing
Wondering what caused it
Remembering how you'd always say "I miss you "
Not anymore, you'd rather ignore me than to look at my heart
It broken, waiting for a friend to mend it back with care ❤ 😔

Thanks for reading this ❤,cause I don't understand why I am writing this 😅 😅😅😅,hii readers 😊 😀 😄 ☺ 🤗 I'm fine 😊 ☺ just switching moods and nothing much yep stay blessed 🙌