

In the calmness of my nightmare's embrace,
I seek refuge from the pain you left in trace.
Shattered, my heart, in a million pieces lies,
No guidance, no solace, no solace in disguise.

Lost, adrift, with no compass to guide,
Frozen in a state of death, I reside.
Without you, I'm trapped in this cold abyss,
Unable to move, to escape, to reminisce.

In the darkness, I wander, devoid of light,
Haunted by memories of our love's respite.
The echoes of your absence, they tear me apart,
Aching, yearning, for the warmth of your heart.

Oh, how I long to find a way to heal,
To mend the wounds, to rediscover what's real.
But here I stand, in the stillness of despair,
Yearning for your touch, your presence to share.

In the calmness of my nightmare's embrace,
I find solace, a haven in this desolate space.
Yet, I yearn for the strength to break free,
To move forward, to find myself, to be.

Oh, guide me, for I am lost without you,
Show me the path, let my spirit renew.
In this frozen state, I'll find strength to survive,
To navigate this darkness, and keep our love alive.

© OpheliaOnyx®