

a poem about us
As I enter the building, I see us hugging-
With my back pressed against the wall, clinging together.
Next I see us holding hands and walking,
Laughing down the lobby, oblivious to the end. There is another "us" sitting on the sofa,
You eating the cake I baked for us.
In the kitchen, you are cracking a joke,
While stirring the pot, with me on top of the counter, -laughing.
Below the table you sit with me on top,
Trying to draw moustaches on one another.
Beside the phone I cover yoyr mouth so
You won't make funny noises to disturb my call.
In the balcony, we hold hands, leaning on to one another,
Talking about the stars, the cosmos, the past, the future.
After all the "us" I see, I look beside me-
And I find it empty.
So, I pack my stuff and look
One last time at "us".
© asthashrestha