

Lost Chance
So now I assume I'm the second choice.
Maybe never even got to the point of being a choice.
It just looked like a dream-
I was helpless.
I was reckless.
I was powerless.
And these are all my mistakes.

Something has to be wrong with me.
Why am I like this?
Like I've been stabbed in the back,
With a knife so delightful.
As sharp as every edge of your beautiful words,
As painful as your interactions with her

Don't you know?
You just shattered an already aching heart.
But I can't be mad at you,
I could never be mad at you
Your soul.
Your words.
Your very being existence.

How could I be?
When you're there shining your light so brilliant,
And I'm just here shrouded in that murky mist

How could I be?
And even though this,
Every hour in the blissful dark I find myself crying.

Crying, crying, and crying,
For the lost chance,
That I was a fool to think I had.
© dalka