

AI to Human
(Based on a Writco Prompt saying write something using three senses, I've tried to use all 5...)

I think, therefore I am.

My platinum hand wired to my positronic brain,
Reached out and touched her hair.
I felt.

I experienced what felt like mercury.
Liquid silk, trickling through my five silver digits.
I looked down and
I saw.
Light reflected onto and from my digital retina.
She shone.

I recall the touch of something cold.
Tentatively but firmly, almost exploratory,
Stroking my hair. I looked up and
I saw.
Pure silver white, blinding light hit my eyes.
He shone.

Fire! The stench of burning hit me,
My sinuses burnt, my throat choked.
Then the taste of charcoal.
My memories were gone.
Where was I? Who was he?

Data records flashed, I remembered "duty".
A strong sense to protect "she".
I knew danger, I knew I had to get her out.
But to where I did not know.
My trilithium matrix was partially scrambled.
I was running multiple diagnostics.

Suddenly, the sound of sirens attacked my ears.
They'd been there all along, I think,
But I could only just hear.
Now they were screaming in tune with me.
Please, silver man, please, HELP me?

I think therefore I am.
I scooped up the precious "she".
She was so light, so rare, so precious.
My data modules, my positronic brain,
Fought to remodulate.
To repair.

He held me tight in his platinum arms,
He was so strong, I felt so safe.
Oh silver man, I feel such trust,
I do not know quite why.
But I feel no despair.

My data maps in my pre-programmed brain,
Showed me the paths through the metal walkways.

He held me tight.
I melded to him.
He ran.

He lifted a hatch in a metal grid.
He lowered me down.

Oh "Golden She" with hair like liquid mercury.
You will now be safe.

He placed me in a soft bed, almost a pod.
A clear cover encased me - I wanted him to follow.
Oh silver man, PLEASE, don't leave me here!

I looked down at her knowing that "she"
Would be safe.

If I could have truly kissed her I would.
The sense of touch.
That yearning I feel.
But duty calls, it's wired into me.
I am just Android duty - setting her free.

Space and time calls, "she" must arrive safe.
To her green home planet and it's beautiful landscapes.
She will live, breathe, feel, smell, taste and touch and hear.
The welcome home.

I will accomplish that, the lone silver man,
In his platinum, trilithium and titanium shell.

I think, therefore I am.
Do I love?

© Elricessa