

True Love
True Love comes from the heavens above,
In the divine realms, it is cherished and loved.
A sacred bond, a divine connection,
Where souls unite and find perfection.

In this enchanted kingdom, Love reigns supreme,
A sweet elixir that never loses its gleam.
Hearts intertwine in perfect harmony,
A celestial ballet, an infinite symphony. 😊

Angels smile, witnessing this magic unfold,
Their eternal love, a melody untold.
Stars twinkle, illuminating our way,
Guiding our steps towards a divine fate. ✨

In the language of love, words are gentle and kind,
Like caresses, they make us lose our mind.
Gazes meet, smiles blossom and bloom,
Each moment is a treasure, a promise of life's bloom. 😊

True Love transcends all borders and bounds,
It knows no limits, it's universal and profound.
It speaks every language, without any divide,
Uniting souls in a passion that's worldwide. ❤️

So let us be swept away by this enchanting spell,
Open our hearts to Love, without any dwell.
In the divine realms, it patiently awaits,
True Love, eternal and great. 😊
© Universalconsciousness963