

Fake Love *3*

This love got no tail
His love has no sail
On his ego, I always fail.
Look at me now, I'm pale,
Oh God! I'm in pain.

I was trapped in his holly fool,
I can guess he is now full,
Full of suckling my body in the pool.
He offered me a stool
Which was made from fake tools
And later begged me not to sue.
He then questioned his actions with no clue,
His fake love gingered me to pull.

When I swam in his pool of love,
With him, I always stampede.
He was full of intriguing tales,
I loved that, it gave me a stay.
I was a strawberry, he said,
"I will stay with you till death,
His words, gave a glaring stare.

His love was fake
He brought a prezzie on eight
For me to succumb to his prey.
He was a junta of love,
He cared not about my smile.
Should I force myself to his line?
No! He was a Satan of my sight.

His love was fake,
He was a gent who likes to date
Almost the ladies at my area,
But he said he was my savior.
A savior my foot!Aaanhhnkk!!!
He perused my contact
My numbers were not intact
Small small, I interact,
Already he dated all the ladies on my contact.

His love was fake!
I now have to summon
Not to usually succumb
To him, yet, he decided and came
But now, the story was too late.

© K.Asare-Bediako