

Explicit Ruminations of Lost Childhood (Haikus)
"Childhood slips away like a fading echo, leaving behind the quiet ache of what might have been."
~ Zoë Kaià

The tears that I've shed,
The pain that still lingers,
Why did you do that?

The terror and pain,
Now tell me, did you love me?
Was it just a play?

You didn't give me love,
You instead given me knife,
To murdered myself.

Am I not enough?
To love me and to care for,
To exploit me for things.

I'm in pain again,
Begging for mercy and love,
But, you didn't give me.

I've been drowned by tears,
But, you didn’t save me or lift me,
Instead, you've drowned me more.

Wounds that never heal,
Silent screams beneath the skin,
Louder than echo.

You were never there,
When I needed you the most,
Where are you, huh? Where?

You just watch me cry,
You just turned your back on me,
That's a good mom does.

Title credits: Michael

© SparklesZoe ✨️