

A Burning Desire.
I've got a burning desire
to tell you how I feel
I've loved you from the day we met
my feelings are pure and real.

I've got a burning desire
to tell you what I see
There is the most beautiful angel
standing right in front of me.

I've got a burning desire
to tell you what I hear
My heart beats with a joyful song
when you are standing here.

I've got a burning desire
to tell you how much I care
no matter how much you want to change
people will always stop and stare.

I've got a burning desire
to take you by the hand
Look into your young weeping eyes
and tell you people don't understand.

I've got a burning desire
to write an inspirational book
I'll call it " Don't just judge the person
only by the way they look"

I've got a burning desire
to start been honest whatever I do
So my natural disfigured reflection
I'm so in love with you.

(From the workings of Jason Carr.)
© Jaycarr1971