

The Body On The Bed

Eternal rest,
Silence embracing you in its cocoon,
Engulfing the air around you,
Swirling inside your body,
Towards the mind of darkness,
The mind of strange things,
The mind exploring beyond wonder,
The heart beating its slow rhythm,
The rise and fall of the chest,
The shifting positions you make,
Rustling the sheets and the pillows,
A noise escaping your throat,
You fell back down deep in your mind,
Not knowing what goes behind that curtain,
The elegance of your body,
The supple skin of your body,
The beautiful face of yours,
The smile you make,
The scent of you,
The feel of you,
The wish that I can try,
To experience what it feels like to be you,
To place myself in your shoes,
To try the things you like,
To discover more about you,
To get to know a glimpse,
Of what living your life can be,
And of how hard it is to face your life,
To experience a new thing,
To be besides my usual self,
To be different,
To have you with me,
As you have your eternal rest,
Not knowing that I was here,
Holding a knife.

© Renno B. Nel