

Brain War, Please?
I look forword to my bed and my dog,
I look forword to simple days and a garden to sog,
I act alone transcdently,
I desire to understand the world around me chemically,
All nature is now are organic chemicals and botony,
Look deep at beaches,yards, and forests more abundantly,
bound with none humans through no verbal eye spells,
See what your animal openly tells,
Be comfortable self-inovating daily,
Do it as much as can be done when thinking regressively in your frequently,
Accept technical advice of nature's symmetric consistent observation,
Try to judge your surroundings with astontacion,
Legends exist already, alone,
Hero's need a reason to comune,
Remember fighting critically can be debated openly and changes needs to change in form,
Challenge Minds not nuclear weapons else no world you know now will exist for a future hope to fully form.
© Carly S. Rhymes