

The Photograph
The Photograph.
I see you laughing at me.
but I can't remember why.
What day was it? I don't know
The time we sat on the balcony
I,drinking my camomile tea
You,reading The Old Man and the Sea.
The boston ferns hanging above me
Near you,the English Ivy with its elegant vines
Niya,the cat on your lap
On your head your favourite Nike cap.
One of our friends clicked this,Rohan or Sonal
I don't remember that either.
I loved your laugh
I loved how it echoed and dissolved into the air.
I loved how you closed your eyes shut and touched your tummy whilst you laugh.
And today moving home,this fell from my diary.
This photograph.
Perhaps this was the last time we were happy.
I burnt every other memory of us
But I'm going to keep this one.
Niya is still brushing against my ankles
Maybe she knows why you're laughing.
But she can't tell me too.
She misses you too maybe.
I am keeping this anyway.
The photograph.
The framed memory of good times.