

Cause You Make Me Feel Things
You pretty girl I long to hold.
The words I use to describe you don’t exist outside of my heart,
I find myself using the same old terms when I’m with you.
I just hope you know you’re loved.
I just hope you know you’re cherished.
I feel selfish even thinking about myself around you because you deserve all of me.
Cause you make me feel things,
Things I once thought myself immune to.
You’re a star studded chink in my armor obvious only between the views of our two souls and the warmth of our two bodies.
The years I spent crafting a stoic mannerism and edge towards any emotionality crumbled away with the time I’ve spent with you.
Your gaze, as unique and beautiful as a snowflake landing on the tip of my finger.
I long for nothing but to protect that beauty from a world which hasn’t cared for it the way I do.
Cause you make me feel things,
Things my past self could never comprehend nor appreciate as much as I do now.
A truer love has yet to be known to me.
A stronger bond has yet to be forged in such short time.
When I think of you, time suddenly means nothing but a limit to when I can be with you.
You worry me and love me and I couldn’t ask for anything different lest my soul itself be changed by God.
The things I’ve experienced with you are worth a million individual memories, each of which I will hold till the day my hands no longer grip, and my body no longer stands.
Cause you make me feel things,
I would give anything to hold you right now, to comfort you, to sway your perfect body gently in my arms, and cradle your perfect heart gently in my hands.
I’m yet to know a greater slight from the universe than my inability to fix all of your problems, to take away the things that make your soft eyes cry into my neck while I caress the perfection that is you.
I pour my soul out without fear because I know now what I have.
I’ve been granted a permission previously unknown to me, a task I’m never sure I’m fit for, but will never stop trying to fulfill.
I hold your dove-like soul in a gentle balance of which I struggle infinitely to maintain, yet never doubt my reasons for doing so.
Cause you make me feel things.