

Habits of Holiness
Remember who you are,choosing obedience , practice repentance,and showing mercy -these aren't one-time things. In other words ,you need to form some habits. A habit is something you do consistently,not just occasionally. Its a practice, a rhythm, something that becomes almost involuntary. Imagine the closeness you would experience with God if you got in the habit of running to Him in moments of regret instead of hiding from Him. # STOP TRYING AND START TRAINING 1 Corinthians 9. To run with purpose in every step . There's intentionality to what you do today , because it sets up what you are able to do tomorrow. You take the step of eliminating temptations today , so you can enjoy freedom and intimacy tomorrow,you repent , bringing your screwup to God and seek forgiveness from others today ,it will lead to healthier ,stronger relationships tomorrow. You offer mercy today , which may help open someone's eyes to see who Jesus really is tomorrow. This is what it looks like to live as a holy people in our real lives and relationships! You aren't just shadow boxing ,working out imaginary situations.
Your life,my life , our lives are the outcome of these daily decisions ,these purposeful steps, these habits of holiness. If you really want good habits, but tend to struggle in following through on your resolutions. Don't stop now!
© Clarencë mc