

Ser tú
Ser tú

Tan rastreada por mi cielo
para encontrarte mi virtud,
tan tú; elixir de mi juventud,
unes dar con mi pedir; “melo”.

Sin pintar labios dame beso,
para sentirlo mío tan natural
y no falso de pintura artificial,
ven culpa tuyo corazón preso.

De sombras no vistas ojos,
sino amor el perseguirme,
entre tu alma distinguirme,
tan esencial cerca o lejos.

La marejada de las sonrisas
motívame con tus caricias,
hasta el caer rendido de ti;
oasis perdido que descubrí.

Tan tú me haces tan yo,
amarnos fines ser viejos,
renovamos fieles reflejos,
en que eres mía y soy tuyo.


Derechos reservados de autor.
Por: Eduardo Rivera (Lalo RIVER)

Be you

so tracked by my sky
to find you my virtue,
so you; elixir of my youth,
you can find my request; "melo".

Without painting lips, give me a kiss
to feel mine so natural
and not fake artificial paint,
Come, your imprisoned heart is your fault.

Of shadows unseen eyes,
but love to persecute me,
between your soul distinguish me,
so essential near or far.

The tide of smiles
Motivate me with your caresses
until you fall exhausted;
lost oasis that I discovered.

So you make me so me
love each other ends to be old,
we renew faithful reflections,
in which you are mine and I am yours.


© All Rights Reserved

By: Eduardo Rivera.