

Echoes of Two Hearts
In the echoes of silence, where love once bloomed bright,
Two souls adrift, got lost within time.
Distance like an ocean, tears like rain,
A heartache that echoes with sorrow and pain.

She reached out in words, her heart laid bare,
Offering closure to the love they used to share.
But his reply, like a dagger, pierced through the night,
"I did like you back then, but my feelings took flight."

Her world shattered, a storm within,
A heart once whole, now broken to splints.
In the depths of despair, she found no solace,
Just echoes of love lost, a painful promise.

Memories like shadows, haunting her mind,
A love once cherished, now left behind.
In the silence of goodbye, she found her tears,
As a broken heart forever whispers in her fears.

© aiidisconnected