

Jingles of new beginnings
It's coming to an end
Festive echoes call
The future is near
Can you hear it?
Can you feel it?
Future bells are ringing
Angels are singing
Jingles all around
Christmas passes
Santa leaves town

It's coming to an end
But the winter still last
Family and friends
We're getting further from the past
Lost a few tears
Life goes on
Waiting for that special dawn

Let's wrap it up like presents under the tree
As nights are no longer the darkest
Spends time with friends and family.
Wrapping up is the hardest
Preparing for the new year
Jingles are quiet for some time
New beginnings arrived
Start with a toast and ends with a cheer
As we shout the jingle, Happy New Year #YearEndEchoes

© Moon Diaries