

Growth, A Gradual Process
That intense cry at first inspire,
the continuous wail for attention,
food for retention,
milk to fill..
folded hands in sad moments,
open at good times,

Growth really gradual ,
Simple but complex process..
Geared by life,
given by God,
taken as Gold,
worthy to hold,
though never easy,
for the old and aging..
but we tend to crawl through with hope, jumping hurdles unknown,
most unseen..
held by a force so strong and,
able to draw us back or forth..

Growth really a process...
between taking heeds at the sight of an inflated balloon and becoming a Lady of great potentials living in Nigeria! I grew! !
Stronger! Wiser! with Faults!
yet one thing I continue to yearn for..
Growth! all round Growth! !
