

Risen Into Redemption
Risen into redemption
A journey of the soul
From the depths of despair
To the highest peak of goal
At first, it may seem impossible
To rise up from the pain
But with each step, we grow stronger
And our true selves regain
The path may be winding
Full of obstacles and fears
But our determination keeps us going
Through the heartache and the tears
We shed the weight of our past
And let go of the heavy load
For we are destined for greatness
And our true potential, we unfold
With each sunrise, we awaken
To the beauty of new day
And with each sunset, we rest
Knowing we've come a long way
Rising up is not easy
But it's worth the fight
For in its embrace, we find
Our true purpose, our inner light
Risen into redemption
No longer bound by chains
We spread our wings and fly
As our soul forever reigns
So rise up, dear ones
Claim your rightful place
For in your journey of redemption
Is where you'll find your grace.

Authorship by Dr. Dashaun Snipes
©️ Dr. Dashaun Snipes
®️ Risen Into Redemption

© ApproximatePower