

As all the twigs ignite
The inspiration fuels desire:

Out from my torment peering
The end no longer seems apparent or misleading
The light at the end of the tunnel doesn't reveal how in a matter of that time if or not the stars align
In the cosmos I dwell
Amongst the stars
Between the living and dead
In between the gates of heaven and the puts of hell
This is hell?
This is not
We know not of the horrors throughout time we forget to honor the lives of those that Jesus forgot
So we die for our sins
In sin
We die and for some are unaware of the events that may appear never lingering near is the hope for nothing to fear
A world that imagines a life can collectively inspire that which is moral and all that is just and might
But not without a fight
Nearing lurking always besmirching is the burden of doubt perching upon the ever lasting harken to the screams that echo from centuries ago way beyond Time and before
This I am certain
There is no chain vale or silk satin curtains with enough proximity that will over shadow the consequences of our ignorant toxicity
Infect the young and youl have forever long, after all and eternally bound there bodies and minds will follow as they are distracted from the up and fall internally tortured by the woes of the come down
Hush little baby don't make a sound because when the last tree falls there will be no one around
© Christopher j. Jarman