

The world so bright and light
full of freedom and wisdom so wide.
A world with equality and liberty reigning.
Full of honesty and innocence everywhere, where friendship meant for sharing and caring to the world changing in the years
when we grew old.
The world became huge where mistakes were called embarrassments,
liberty, and honesty were imprisoned.
Talking nicely became giving signals, laughter didn't meant to spread love and happiness anymore.
Our world so limited became a show for everyone and everybody became a judge unwanted stares, judgements and comments accompanied for the rest of our life.
The eyes that always reflected pure innocence became guilty every moment.
The question strikes what we're? who we're? and where we're?
Are we humans or objects.
Our world of perfection changed,
our life coordination perflexed,
nothing was our now everything so new.
A feeling of oneness is rare to be found.
With every step forward predators are moving around.
There arises another question who we should be blaming .... world or the victims....ahh we all know "criminals are meant to be free".
A lot of perceptions changed over time the best we'd say we changed while growing up
Our eutopian vision changed.
The world isn't so bright anymore.

© ersheeen