

Please, let me go
Hello old friend,
Once again, you reared out your ugly head, and somehow found a way back into my life again
The pit in my stomach, the extreme fatigue
The inability to grasp reality, that feeling of helplessness
I recognize it anywhere, coz it once held me captive, and these past few weeks, those hellish feelings have been dragging me down again
I can't go on this journey with you again,
I refuse to subject myself to your cruelty
I barely came away with my life the last time, and I am begging you to leave me alone
For the first time in years, I have a new lease on life, and things to be grateful for
But always as I seem to climb that hill of peace and contentment, you derail my plans, and leave me in a heap

Depression, I know just like love, you don't let go easily,
But please spare me this time, for I am not strong enough to face you twice, and make it out on the other side