

Before I Tell You Goodbye
Before I Tell You Goodbye

You'd made your mind up long time ago
That in this world you wouldn't be here too long
Tired of fighting those monsters
Tired of fighting something that felt so wrong!

I wasn't really expecting you to go this soon
But in a way I knew it from the start
The deep black dog of depression
And you leaving has just broken my heart!

I could feel it but still didn't believe you'd go
That it would turn out like this
But I know God has you in His hands
You're there living in a Heavenly bliss!

I knew that you wouldn't let me help
I just tried in so many ways
To give you a desire to live your life
Instead of fighting so many days!

If I could just have you back for awhile
Because I really long to hold you tight
You were my only son that I loved
I think about you day and night!

I need to hear your voice once more
And see a sparkle in your eyes
And to know how peaceful you really are
Before I have to tell you goodbye!