

Òrun to su dede (The Amazing Sky's Wonders)
Millenial set of wonders
Arrays of hope on the rise
It offers great opportunities
The limit is beyond the sky

Blues calling onto the blues
Sky watchers set on confusion
The stars rocking with sparkling
At the night watch, see wonders

At every race is set with a unique star
As every star gives its glorious spark
Who can unravel the work of God
At the speed of light, He changes His course

Get me a seat and a pen
I'll tell you what a star diviner can't tell you

Orun su dede, O kun fun ogo Irawo
Astronomers will only tell you spatial patterns
Will he tell you how they were formed?
Will he show you the purpose of each?

Gazing up, I saw star-like movement
A threadlike motion into its obscurity
Can we really explain why such occur?
Then, I'll not consider to see an astronomer

A purpose for a thing makes it useful
Obsolete part goes on to obscurity
To obey theory and rules of Evolution
As a matter of purpose and selections

© Sir Taitophil