

Love's allure...
I've seen people fall in and out of love,
Witnessed those around me enchanted by its allure,
Their mundane love stories proudly they share,
Yet, their tales leave me feeling bare.

I've seen people fall in and out of love,
It's a feeling beyond one's control, a gift from above,
Felt by everyone, an emotion so pure,
And a treasure chest all are destined to ensure.

Yet to me love seems like a forbidden tale,
So unreal and cliché like those fairytales,
Why does everyone else experience these feelings?
I wonder why do they obsess over these things?

I've seen people fall in and out of love,
Witnessed everyone around me in love,
And I've seen them rise, witnessed them fall,
The misery, the hurt reflected in their eyes I recall,
Tears they shed and tragic tales to unfold.

So why plunge into a sea where misery lies,
And hurt patiently awaits tearful goodbyes?
Why subject yourself to a bitter heartbreak,
When all that fate holds is inevitable heartache?

But then love is something beyond one's control...

P.S. It's a second version of my poem loveless :)
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