

My Childhood Friend
how funny it was when we used to hold hands
running in the playground and playing with sand
two young kids, untouched by life
as we sat there and pretended to be husband and wife

you didn't think it was weird or dumb
that my smile was awkward as I gnawed on my thumb
you didn't stay away from me like I thought you would
as most people tend to do with things they never understood

maybe it's just my crazy imagination at play
but your dark eyes lit up every time we would play
our happiness was bliss, our hearts sang for joy
as you gushed over my shiny new favorite toy

for a while, you made me forget all my pain
how people laughed at and looked at me with disdain
however life decided to start breaking me at a very young age
I went home that day not knowing that we would never again engage

gunshots, screams and sirens filled the air
"Honey grab the kids, we're getting out of here! "
just like that I left town without even a goodbye
to the one who saw me sitting in a corner, about to cry

you held me and hugged me and made me feel safe
drove away the hopelessness and filled my heart with faith
now you're just a memory that lingers in my mind
your genuine friendship was something I wouldn't experience for a long time