

Come Home
Days upon days the rising of regrets in the pit of their chest grow, like the sudden rush of time in-between gain and lost.

The hours bring so many sadden memories,
memories they wished to erase.

One would say, their sanity has left their humanity. However, like the river greets the sea, their love stand between love and hate to deceive.

Come home! The wind carried an heavy burnden of longing through thin air.

Come home! Each tear drops came off like a failing test.

The arms of longing, long to be warm,
The dryness of their lips, long to be touch,
The aching of their hearts, yearn to be love,
yet all in all, they failed to be trust.

Come home they cried. lost in the darkest part of the night,
Come home they whispered, longing to see each other's eyes.

Home is where their hearts will carry on at it's best,
Home is where they will fail or pass those tests,
Home is where they'll both set to do their best.
© Tenisha Sterling