

Have you ever thought for a second
A moment to ponder
To do an introspection
Of the person in the mirror
Staring right back at you
With a smile worth more than trillions and quadrillions of dollars
Enough to warm up the saddened room
And bring comfort to the lowered head

Your soul so beautiful to mend a heart
Your spirit strong enough to do the impossible
To perform miracles and wonders
Not seen nor heard
Nor complemented by humans
So beautiful as Rose Quartz
No wonder they named you Rose
A Flower and the most precious stone
Even thou she love sunflower more than roses
She's a mystery isn't she
That's probably why she's so special

I had you once upon a time
Held on but I guess it wasn't tight enough
Watched you walk away as my pieces crumbled
Tears and sleepless night
Till I finally had to let you
To watch flourish in another's garden
Watch you make another's day a bliss
While finding your way round
This journey called life

So blossom as a flower that you are
Fly and sour above the clouds
As you believe that you ain't just enough
But more than enough and deserving
Of all the good and wonderful things
As you go against the odds of life
And discover yourself along the way
While accepting and loving your gorgeous self
Go on queening my love
Wear your crown and life your life
