

Living Without
Im tired of begging for someone to care
Every time i look into the vast outside my cave i am reminded that im alone in my darkness, i am a victim but i am not a slave
Noone ever held me and told me it would be ok no matter how long i wait its foolish for me to think that anything will be different tomorrow or the next day
I go out from my dorment and stand on top the the highest stone i look into the burning sun and i scream into a world, my shrieks and groans arent geard by anyone; i am alone

Ive been alone , held captive upon my desolate void i feel frustration, anger , spite ; hatred i look out into a world that makes me utterly annoyed

Gripping my fist i scream, hands balled eyes balling i like standing under the sun feeling the heat simmer my flesh into moist disfigured bloods soaked sweat

Im so pathetic amd stupid to think the world could see a tool as a useful fool but just like them i sully myself in tears and drench my chin with drool. This is shameful unlike a man i struggle to stand and when my legs bend ill give in but until then into my cave along with the will left in all my might. Into the dark i creep endlesslessly i fight, just to live a life noone thinks is right. Goodnight

© Christopher j. Jarman