

Genesis 1:17
© April 15, 1985 (revised August 15, 2019)
Write Naturally Publishing House
...a division of VAN Enterprises

Dawn. The first light of a new day. From a troubled sleep, he stirs. Rising, stretching himself awake, his sense come alert. From within, deep within, the thought that was put aside struggles to survive and, from its struggling, is able to burst into renewed consciousness.

"I'M STILL HERE!" it silently shrieks.

With the scream of thought still reverberating in his head, he bows and prays to his seer.

"Oh, thou who art stronger than I, would that your strength and courage be with me on this, the end of my days!"

Silently, he strides towards the distant mists of the morning.

As the mists envelop him, the world around him softens until all is a shapeless void. With the renegade thought bouncing within his skull and his heart beating a frantic rhythm, he ceases to be what his kind calls a man. From his mortal body emerges that surreal and undefined entity called The Soul.

Rising above the ground, he sees his own body lying below. There is a momentary yearning to return but then, the newborn freedom given to him by his seer takes hold. Soaring towards the heavens, he throws off the mortal world.

Witness, then, the birth of heaven's newest star. Settling in the firmament amongst his own, he is content. From his vantage point, all below is seen -- even that unseen by his former kind. His light illuminates not only the shell of man but the inner workings of the shell. This is the power given him by his seer.

From the ground, his former kind raise their hands towards the heavens in silent adoration. Around them, the night sky twinkles with endless points of light that all look the same. Yes, they do know he’s there -- a spokesman for them in time of need; a conduit for their affection.

Quietly passes the night and a new dawn appears. Mother Sun washes the last remnants of darkness from the sky while mankind makes ready for another day.

Far above, unseen by those below, the multitude of lights rest and wait. Time will pass; darkness will return and communion can again take place.

* ...and God set them in the firmament of the heavens to give light upon the Earth.