

I was walking through these dark tunnels trying to find someone else there,
but I had no sight to see,
and for a moment I thought I heard a whisper and it said my child come to me.

unsure of what to do,
I continued on about my way.
sometimes stopping to rest in one spot,
but never long did I stay.

and still that faint voice that seems to be calling for me is there,
never once did it leave.
sometimes the sound was too much to even bear

so I traveled even further into the dark
trying to get away and find some quiet,
but it continued to hunt me.
of this I won't deny it

until one day came along,
and run away I did not ,
so I pulled my chin up and close my eyes tight ,
and I just decided to listen and not to fight

and then the voice became clear .
it was almost too loud to take .
he said I've been waiting long enough and let you have your way, but there's something very important at stake.

you are fighting for your soul my child .
and no one else can do this for you
I've given you all the answers that you need.
now there is no more left for me to do.

just travel with confidence ,
and know I'm never far from you.
and if life becomes to much to bear
just close your eyes and call me I'll instruct you.

Alexia Houston