

I hold this strange memory of, her,
She wore white while I wore black,
A very striking difference at the time,
She held a grace I did not posses,
While I wielded a bluntness few others could equal,
For a time we made great friends,
Enjoying the presence of the other,
Perhaps because we had what the other lacked,
Our energies completely opposite,
Attracting then to one another,
Evolving from friendship to something else,
Forever dancing around each other,
Paralyzed by choice I began to distance myself,
And perhaps that is my greatest regret,
Never reaching out to hold her hand,
To take the chance of destroying a kinship,
With hopes of creating something more,
Yet no matter how hard I tries to push them down,
Feelings kept bubbling up to the surface,
Almost as if the harder I tried to struggle,
The deeper I sank into these feelings,
I began to notice her more,
Her laughter, her smile, the way she held me when we hugged,
It all began to melt the cold exterior I created,
And I think she noticed it too,
She tempered like iron around me,
Became outspoken, passionate, and strong,
Only driving more nails into the proverbial coffin of our friendship,
Until one day,
She left,
I felt a void open in my heart,
Partly from losing my friend,
And partly from regretting never seizing my opportunity,
Yet life persisted and so did I,
Sometimes life is meant to bare regret.
© With clipped wings