

Lean With Me
Lean with me, into the wind
Let our hearts beat like the waves within
In the silence, let our souls entwine
Like branches swaying, in a gentle vine

Lean with me, into the night
Let our stars align, our dreams take flight
In the darkness, let our love shine bright
Like a lighthouse guiding, through the darkest light

Lean with me, into the pain
Let our tears fall, like summer rain
In the brokenness, let our hearts remain
Like a river flowing, through the rocky terrain

Lean with me, into the hope
Let our spirits rise, like a morning scope
In the uncertainty, let our love cope
Like an anchor holding, in the stormy scope

Lean with me, and let our love be strong
Like a tree that stands, where the winds belong.

#love #hope #resilience #trust #support #encouragement #strength #togetherness
#positivity #heartfelt
© providence