

The Stranger
He is like the cool breeze on a hot summer day.
He is there for a moment only to be gone.
He is always and ever the Stranger
He is the blind man, the hungry man the man that goes without.
We see him, but we do not know him.
He is always and ever the Stranger.
He is the unknown guest that comes into our life that we pretend to care about.
Only to watch him disappear in the dark.
He is always and ever the Stranger
He is called by many names.
Some we dare not say
Yet many remember him as a brother who made them laugh.
A father that showed them the way.
A grandfather who was always there.
Now there is no need to remember him.
No need for him to be there, but he stays just the same.
And we treat him as if he wasn't.
He is always and ever the Stranger
R. M. Ragnanese

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