

a perfect rose
You were covered in dew , still new when we first met,
You and I, a duet
A perfect match , I had thought
A perfect rose in my palms only it had thorns.

Pricked my finger once,
Pricked my finger twice,
But I still chose to hold you tight,
In the midst of the night.

You couldn't have been the one,
I was broken inside, anguish within me did bind,
I watched my hands bleed ; damage you have done.
I was one with the smell on your petal.

You were beautiful , oh don't get me wrong and you still are,
Your colour resembling that precious smile,
You couldn't have been that strong to break my heart,
Oh well perhaps that's what you get for going an extra mile

I missed a spot when we first met,
You were perfect but touched with a bit of a wreck,
How could I've not seen such a marvelous mess,
A perfect rose in my palms only it had thorns , what the heck

It is true when the say love Is blind,
You had me marred and i still did not flinch,
Longing for love , thought in you I'd find
How I avoided the thorns that pinched.