

Morning Star
Once a radiant star adorned the morn
With unmatched brilliance, its beauty born
Yet hidden within, a darkness deep
A rebel's guise, secrets it would keep

Pride stretched vast as the endless skies
Yearning for power, to be truly wise
With irresistible words, he led astray
Heavenly rebellion, a fateful display

Defeated with ease, by his father's might
Banished to abyss, eternal night
Embracing darkness, his new attire
Legions amassed in the lake of fire

Corrupting hearts, dwelling within souls
They strive to control, their influence takes its toll
Still lurking within, shadows they sow
Temptation's whispers, our minds they bestow

But let us rise, resist their deceitful art
Armored with goodness, goodness in our heart
For within our souls, a beacon of light
Can defy their darkness, restore what is right

Together we'll fight, against this wicked descent
Guided by love, our souls they won't torment
They may try their best, to drag us low
But we'll rise above, to the higher we'll go.

© Mikhail