

Survival Mode
Survival Mode
A world turned upside down, a tempest's rage,
Your spirit, once so bright, now caged in cage.
Numbness creeps, a blanket soft and cold,
As weary heart seeks solace, growing old.
Panic strikes, a sudden, chilling fear,
A stark reminder of the path you steer.
So far adrift, from self you once did know,
A lonely soul, adrift in endless flow.
Yet, know this truth, this moment shall pass,
A fleeting phase, a tempest's furious blast.
Your human instinct guides, a steady hand,
Through trials of life, across the unknown land.
Hunker down, endure, let strength take hold,
Though darkness lingers, hope's light will unfold.
This is not forever, this storm shall cease,
And in its wake, your spirit finds release.
When safety's warmth once more surrounds your heart,
Take tentative steps, as healing finds its start.
Resurface, friend, let your spark ignite,
A flame reborn, a beacon shining bright.
Though now in survival mode, you're not alone,
Your strength is tested, yet your spirit's known.
You'll be back, your essence, pure and true,
A testament to resilience, strong and new.

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