

that's the reality of nowadays!!💔☹
What We expecT what we Get
NothinG leFt Except An eye wet!!
Time changes and it changes people too!
those who guided you will turn their back on u too!
For those Whom u had left everything
Will leave you with nothing!
In the most critical period of time
Nobody will stay with you lifetime!!
Everybody will leave you one day!!
That can also be today!
There is no value of emotions nowadays
They are thrown on streets of heart everyday!
I say what i feel
Nobody ever try to understnd what i mean!
Emotions love and care
Are the things about which nobody cares!!
They say good bye take care
Honestly they are one with whom u should beaware!
Everybody shows they are with you
Deep inside they are the real toxic for you!
However we give efforts to make someone happy
At the end u'll be treated as a sappy!
At first they'll be yoUr tutelage!
Later on they'll be the reason of your rage
They'll first make you console!
Later on will leave you alone!
You dont need to be wretched
For some Foolish peoples no need to be affected
(No persoNal IssUes!)
-Sariya Quraishi!

© ms_magical
#Sad #reellife #poem #sadlife