

Some birds cannot be caged,
Their heart is too wild,
Their wings can't be still.
They dance in the storm,
They race with the wind,
Their spirit is free,
Untamed like the sea.

Some birds never take flight,
They have wings but can't fly,
The roof is their highest peak,
Their life is lived on the ground,
They are preys for cats and dogs,
They are ready meal for the gods.

I am that bird that touches the sky.
I set my home on mountaintop,
Just a little below the clouds
Drinking from rain, bathing in dews.
By day, I see the sun in its full glory,
By night, I catch a glimpse of heaven.

I am that bird untamed.
I've got dreams and goals to chase.
And nothing stands in my way;
Not fear, not doubt, not anything.
Freedom, only freedom, is all I see
I am that bird, born wild, living free.

© Ebenezer O. Akinrinade
#EbenezerAkinrinade #inspirational #poem