

Peer Pressure

Don’t let them corrupt you, innocent girl
You, were raised better than that
Don’t walk the fine line invisible to your eyes
Because what you can not see is trickery
Satin whispers that caress your ear with false promises
But, will leave you battered and bruised in the end
Just think to yourself
Is it worth your self esteem to be captivated by five minutes of a hollow prince charming
Because that’s all he can offer you
A simple forgettable night to him
Yet, it’s very essence will plague you…haunt you

Don’t let them tempt you, innocent girl
Your will, is much stronger than that
Don’t fall into line behind others on a path that you did not set
Walking a mile in someone else’s shoes could result in emotional damnation for you
Just because she’s doing it doesn’t mean you have to
Smoke filled vision of green eyed snakes that entice you
A cannabis of clouds that can be seen at night
Held down by gravity, earth bound
But you should not monkey see, monkey do
Because a fool of you will be made

Don’t let them sway you, innocent girl
You, can with stand that
Don’t let the murmured whispers of pleasure pull you into an abyss that you can’t escape from
Burning rivers that course down your esophagus and contaminate the very blood in your veins
Molten lava that swims through you and you can’t even remember your own name
Just tell me
Will you feel good inside
Because then you’ll belong to the in crowd
But, your body is not your own
Because someone always has to pull Pinocchio’s strings
And your
Giuspetto will be a bottle someone snuck from their fathers’ special cabinet

Don’t let them manipulate you, innocent girl
You, are much smarter than that
Don’t succumb to the folktales fluttering on wind that surrounds you
Block out the buzz of noise telling you to help yourself because you most likely won’t get caught
But contrary to what some may believe
Orange is not your color and all silver bracelets aren’t accessories
Yes, It may be true that your face is photogenic
But not in black and white or on the six o’clock news
See you
Can choose your own path to walk and make better decisions for yourself

Don’t let them change you, innocent girl
Love the person you become
Don’t let them offer you gold of a fool in return for your soul
I to have been tossed in the lions den of brutal adolescents
Mouths like guns shooting verbal bullets because you dare to think on your own
Dare to dream
Instead of conforming to their ways like a Nazi soldier following a dictatorship of harsh teen society
Just listen
To the beating of your heart that sings the melody of love
Put up your shield against hurt, mistrust, harm, misery, and the influence others will try to have on you
Peer pressure
When it comes to that
Put on your entire armor to