

A Sordid Tale
No need for you to come to me
To show me the wonders unseen
To hold my hand and set me free
Don't come to me disguised in neat

Do not cover your acts
To tell me to forge across
Don't baby me saying it's a test
That I need to win to be in your embrace

Don't stand in pious judgement
To let me know I am off the hook
To act with a shoulder that blades me deep
Don't come to me and tell me to knead

My life is not filled with selfishness
To look for your pain hurting me in the way
To come and caress your cheeks
Even if you had slap my hand in the middle

Just come to me and accept my flaws
To tell me it's Ok even if I am laying
May I not be happy in this realm
But I would still be smiling joyous looking at your hand laying on my corpse...

© Charchita. C