

After destroying the love I taught you,
You've been far from my reach for ages.

Perhaps one day, weary of fame's suffocating burden,
You’ll seek to return, but time will no longer wait for you.

Perhaps your cheeks will be marked by the lines of sorrow,
Perhaps your dead conscience will be taking its final breaths.

Maybe in the pauses between those breaths,
You’ll regret the offenses you made to my pure love.

Perhaps my faithful, unwavering one-sided love
Kept your dying conscience alive for just a few more moments.

Perhaps the memories you once despised
Will begin to haunt you, overflowing with the love you ignored.

Perhaps you'll wish to abandon the public stage of fame,
But your half-dead soul won’t allow it.

Maybe you’ll pause to reflect,
Can you answer every question asked of you?
Do you have the words to forgive the sins
That taint the history of your heart?

Perhaps you won't even dare ask your soul
Why my silence contained an entire universe,
One you left miles behind for fleeting fame.

Maybe you'll muster the courage
To admit to your heart that every broken promise
Was nothing but a lie from your lips.

Perhaps every beat of your heart wrote a story of forgetfulness,
And in each word, you’ll find your own flaws.

Maybe you won’t even be able to ask yourself
If you can stand before your future
And confess the tales of your betrayal.

Perhaps the city of love in your eyes is now in ruins,
With only the dust of unfaithfulness swirling in its streets.
Can you bear to see your honor shattered before you?

Maybe one day your soul will feel the weight of exhaustion,
The weariness of my stifled cries
Drowned by your purposeless, oppressive silence.

Perhaps you’ll want to reach out once more
To the past you abandoned so ruthlessly,
But maybe your body no longer holds the strength of youthful passion.

Maybe in every broken smile, you’ll glimpse your own defeat,
And your pain will reveal itself behind the wall of time,
Where you strangled a young love in the open.

Perhaps one day your eyes will glisten with the tears of my memories,
And in every scream of yours, my love will resurface.

Maybe your tears will stand as proof of your betrayal,
And in your soft, gasping breaths,
There will be a pain you never felt in my heart.

Perhaps one day, on your trembling, parched lips,
Only regret will remain,
And you will call out to my love with every word,
But your tongue will lack the strength to summon the loyalty it lost.

Maybe you’ll search for the past you once abandoned,
But that devoted, faithful soul,
Will have gone miles beyond your reach.
