

"Time Heals"
No, love
It certainly does not

Time did not heal
any scar or wound

It did not treat
that anxious heart of yours

It did not stop
those flowing tears

It did not prevent
any mistake from happening

Time does not heal at all


Time gives you the opportunity to heal

Time had given you
that cure
for scars and wounds

It had given you
that medication
for that anxiety of yours

It had given you
the strength
to stop those flowing tears

It had given you
the courage
to face those mistakes

Time is a factor of your healing
For it only helps you rather than saving you

You alone can heal yourself

Not time
Not friends
Not family
Not hobbies

Everything that gave you that motivation
to treat yourself
were merely factors
that helped you
to overcome such

Time does not heal, my love
It gives you the opportunity to do so

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