

Who Shall Walk With You
You are young.
You have aspirations and dreams.

You see a life full of love, hope and joy.

Yet your young tender heart is fearful of what lies ahead of you.

You want to journey into the future, but you don't want to travel alone.

You need a soul mate to help you walk through this life.

Someone to be your husband or your wife.

All that you desire comes down to one simple choice that you must have the courage to make.

That my young friend is this?

Who will walk with you through this life of uncertainty and hardships?

Select wisely and the world will become your oyster of untold pearls.

Choose foolishly and all your dreams and aspirations will disappear like a cloud of smoke. Never to be seen from again.

So I ask who will walk with you ?

R. M. Ragnanese
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