

Living In A Bottle
Everything's a blur,
With your voice on a slur,
Your instincts, now deception,
Your mind feeling dejection.
Feeling nothing but deep sorrow,
But you'll still feel worse tomorrow,
You let in your addictive friend,
Whilst your emotions, you try to defend.
It's been a bad year, bad month, bad day,
Your memories foggy, so hard to replay,
For so long, your heart lay on your sleeve,
But it was stolen away, so hard to retrieve,
And all that you see is the weakness you hold,
You act like your happy but inside you feel cold,
You've spent so long living up to deception,
That it now seeps through your veins, like an unwanted injection.
You don't see a way to the other side,
So within a bottle, your mind will hide,
Each day, you're losing a piece of yourself,
Just like the bottle that once sat on your shelf.

© Violet Serenity