

Blue Eyed Sunshine
This is by far the longest poem I have ever written and the most heartfelt. Wrote it in 3 days, so I could read it graveside . To my nephew, whom at 28 years old , my baby sisters youngest son, was taken from us in a car accident on December 22, 2019. It was indeed like losing my own child. I was his Aunt Tree(Teresa) the person he told everything to.

Memories. Of a better time
Hold our hearts together today
You've left us with so many good ones
Wish we could hit rewind.. then play.

The smiles that danced across your face
When greeting someone you cared for
Will be, but one of your precious gifts
When we think of the face we adore.

That's not all you've left us. Your hugs
What a blessing to feel
Oh! Just one more would be……..
Wait a minute, none of this can be real!

If fairness in life is expected to be
Well, we all just got blatantly shafted
Because why? Would you be taken from us
One that God so beautifully crafted

Friends and family most important
You said," I want to be close to each one".
Why you are gone now, I don't understand
Cuz I know you were not done.

Love for others. You showed. To the max.
If they were ok you were to
No matter the turmoil, undoing
Maybe, boiling inside of you.

That sweet little white haired boy. I remember.
All boy you were so well
From saying a swear word behind mama's back,
To kiss my boo boo mommy, I fell.

Believing that kiss really healed it
So innocent, yet still wild and free
All the adventures created by you
You'd say,"I just wanna have fun and be me."

Standing in front of that toilet...hhmmm?
Lighter... and firecracker in hand
I'll just light and throw it in
The outcome you wondered...aww man!

The answer you were not ready for
Before you could exit the door
BOOM!! Half a toilet now stood there
Water covering the floor…..

Thank you for these kinds of memories
Each one we'll replay til its end
Over and over, they'll keep us together
Until we see you again.

Explain me Aunt Tree, Christopher I can't do that,
That's something that can not be done
For you are not an explanation
You are feelings...and not just one.

I know we will see you, almost every day
In these feelings I'm going to share
That's where we'll find you daily
And I promise I'll look for you there!

I know we can look and find you
In the feeling that you get
When you look up and see a rainbow
After storms got the ground all wet.

That feeling you get, as a child
catching fireflies in a jar
That feeling you get after getting your license
Driving alone inside your car.

Butterflies in your stomach
Having someone play in your hair
To see someone smile and you're the reason
I know I'll find you there!

Finding fries. In the bottom. Of a take out bag
Making mud pies. Playing in rain
Silly ideas? I know you'd love them
And I know. They'll help. ease my pain

Catching a fish on your first cast
Parallel parking on your first try
That first handful..of movie popcorn
Laughing until you cry.

Your first sip of coffee each morning
Hearing your favorite song
Fresh sheets from the dryer
Your pets greeting when you get home.

Looking at old photographs
A cat purring on your chest
Finding money in your coat pocket
You'd like this one the best

Opening your first paycheck
Fresh cut grass. The smell of flowers
The feelings where we'll find you
I could go on for hours.

But the feeling we wish for most right now
Could clear up this whole mess
If this feeling we could get today
We'd be fine without the rest

It's the feeling.. of waking up..and realizing..
it was all just a bad dream
Sweet Christopher, I will count us down now
Wake US up please….......1, 2, 3

Side Note: After reading this anywhere someone is going to ask me.... so just so you know, lol, yes he actually did throw the fire rackers in and low up the toilet.

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