

Little child be quite, says the giant in front of me. I look up in confusion, but I was taught to respect elders and answer when they call.
Silence, be still...... shhhhhh.......
ím serious not another peep.....
worried of the trouble, for disobedience from the person calling, but fearing now the trouble of the one in front of me ....
only a child, mind is young, fresh essy to mold into what they teach,
unaware of the poison they are shaping our whole lives with ......
brainwashing the future to obey commands like a trained dog.
what is one to do when confronted with a choice?
There we were trapped, hiding from the monster, from what I was told.
But that monster sounded just like daddy....
Mama says its a trick and that is not my father, a demon took over his body.
Mommy is hurting, blood dripping from her nose.
The voices of my father are telling me to answer,
but mommy said its not him.....
Daddy told me new disobey either, what am I to do.
Daddy get really mad when I dont respond, but mama is crying now,
what am I to do!?
So she hugs me tighter, tells me stay quiet, as I drift away......
I hope daddy will help us fight the monster,
but mommy said daddy ran away....
He forgot us? He left us?
mama is sobbing, trying to hold her tears in,
but she said she wont take no more,
its time to leave for good.
The monster is coming, mommy told me to run, she said no matter what just run away get to somewhere safe.....
i was scared, what is she trying to say?
mommy arent you coming to?
but the monster grabbed mommy,
dragging her by her hair.
mommy its daddy,
she said baby run look away....
but i didnt listen,
i ran after her,
as i started to yell my little fist, started to yell,
monster get away, give me back my mommy, get away from my daddy.
With all my strength I tried to fight the monster,
to get mommy free,
The monster looks just like daddy.....
then he said to me,
your in trouble, you didnt listen, your should of listen to me......
struck with fear, I froze, but snapped back, I bit him, drawing blood from his hand, victory I felt that moment my mommy got free.
I stood in front my mother and knew I was no match for this monster.
I yelled I hate you monster, dont hurt my mom.
Thats when the monster, dropped to the floor,
crying, im not a monster, Im your father,
i said "no your not my daddy loves my mommy, your a monster you hurt her so your not my dad"
I could smell the fumes of liquor when he spoke, I hated that oder it was familiar and reminded me of pain.
I told him, stay away from us, my daddy told me to protect my family,
I had to do as I was told..... shaking like a leaf in the wind, as I gaurdrd my mother.
He tried to come closer, but I grabbed the pan and swung with all my might.
Missing him by inches, I said I sware you better leave us alone,
He staggered to get up, then ran out the door, he said " daddy is sorry.... and daddy loves his girls"
then he disappeared,
I never saw the monster or my father again.

© unlaced