

Unfazed and Floorishinng
Unfazed and Flourishing
Oh, how I love the way my heart unfolds,
Expectations held, yet stories untold.
Ideals cherished, perspectives shift,
A soul forever full, a constant gift.
Waxing and waning, a lunar dance,
The old me eclipsed, a second chance.
Unfazed and fearless, a heart of gold,
Endings and beginnings, a story untold.
So far I've come, yet just begun,
One long blossoming, beneath the sun.
Lessons learned, in every phase,
No disappointment, no dismay.
Alarm no more, a peaceful mind,
Beauty found, in every kind.
Dark sides embraced, as alive as light,
Thriving in darkness, with all my might.
No room for hurt, a soul so free,
A derelict home, no longer me.
Tended with care, to my very edge,
Gardens of love, a bountiful pledge.
Look at my love, flourishing bright,
Reaching where shadows once held tight.
Unfazed and flourishing, a heart so true,
A testament to love, me and you.

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